Your Guide to

Empowerment, Confidence, Passion and Poise.

Be your best self. Live your best life.

Midwest wife and mom. Healthcare Executive. Color Enthusiast. Enneagram 5w6.

Join me as I share my journey of motherhood, while defining my path as an executive in my early thirties, exploring passion projects like seasonal color analysis, health & wellness, and whatever other rabbit hole I end up going down (hello enneagram 5!).

My true passion is to help women become the best version of themselves - developing confidence to step into who they were meant to be in the world. I have exciting plans to expand this site into a resource for helping women grow personally and professionally.

Stay tuned for more - we’re just getting started!

Hi, I’m Brit Erickson.

Stepping into your confidence and becoming your best self starts with embracing who YOU are meant to be. We each have our own journey, full of ups and downs; learning to lean into that and embracing our own unique traits can help us navigate towards confidence and empowerment in all aspects of our life.

Check out my blog to learn more.

Join me as I share my learnings and experiences as I navigate the beautiful (yet messy) thing we call life. I’m so glad you are here!

My Approach

I am a born and raised Iowan, with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration. I have spent my entire professional career (10 years!) in healthcare and enjoy the ongoing challenge and changes that we are faced with. The last two years have been a doozy, but I’m always up for a challenge - whether that is creating change, growing new lines of business, or developing a team of leaders. I’ve worked my way up from an administrative fellow and stepped into my current role as a Vice President in 2021. I look forward to using this page and blog as creative outlet to share my experiences, tips, and tools that have help me becoming the leader I am today. For more details on my career, take a peek at my LinkedIn profile.

My Career